$SOV Liquidity has been migrated to @Uniswap V3.
29 Mar 2023, 12:03
$SOV Liquidity has been migrated to @Uniswap V3 π
π The link to trade is still the same, as Uniswap UI auto-switches to the correct LP.
π Trade:
π Chart:
Same news in other sources
129 Mar 2023, 12:12
$SOV Liquidity has been migrated to Uniswap V3 π
π The link to trade is still the same, as Uniswap UI auto-switches to the correct LP.
π Trade:
π Tweet:
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$SOV Liquidity has been migrated to Uniswap V3.
$SOV Liquidity has been migrated to Uniswap V3 π
π The link to trade is still the same, as Uniswap UI auto-switches to the correct LP.
π Trade: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x2C5BC2Ba3614fD27FCc7022eA71d9172E2632c16
π Tweet: https://twitter.com/ShibSOV/status/1641048476069814273
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